+62 967-591927
+62 812-1075-1885
adalah sebuah taman nasional yang terletak di semenanjung barat daya provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Tanjung Puting pada awalnya merupakan cagar alam dan suaka margasatwa yang ditetapkan oleh Pemerintah Hindia Belanda pada tahun 1937.
- | Form Of Indemnity |
Persyaratan : |
1. Pria |
2. Usia Max 25 Tahun ( Belum Menikah diutamakan ) |
3. Pendidikan min SMU |
4. Mempunyai minimal License Basic Avsec dan Valid |
5. Pengalman / Non Pengalaman |
6. Memiliki wawasan di dunia penerbangan (diutamakan) |
7. Bisa bekerja dalam tim | Cara Melamar : |
1. Surat lamaran |
2. Curriculum Vitae |
3. Copy ID/KTP |
4. Photo 4x6 2 Lembar |
5. Avsec License |
* Kirim Lamaran ke Safety@trigana-air.com |
No. | Depart from | Destination 1 | Destination 2 | Remarks |
1 | Jayapura             | Wamena      | -- | VV |
2 | Jayapura | Dekai | Wamena | VV |
3 | Jayapura | Tanah Merah | Merauke | VV |
4 | Jayapura | Oksibil | -- | VV |
5 | Jayapura | Serui | Biak | VV (Offline) |
No. | Depart from | Destination 1 | Destination 2 | Remarks |
1 | Ambon                | Kufar | -- | VV (Offline) |
2 | Ambon | Moa | -- | VV (Offline) |
3 | Ambon | Namrole | -- | VV (Offline) |
4 | Ambon | Sanana | Ternate | VV (Offline) |
Penumpang dengan tujuan Wamena diwajib melakukan Rapid Test dalam jangka waktu 24 jam sebelum keberangkatan di kantor perwakilan pemda Jayawijaya (biaya Rp 250.000)
Mulai Tanggal 26 Juni 2020
Rute Jayapura - Wamena (PP)
(Setiap Hari Senin dan Jumat)
*Wajib Mematuhi Panduan Normal Baru*
Mulai Tanggal 1 Juli 2020
Rute Jayapura - Tanah Merah - Merauke (PP)
(Setiap Hari Rabu dan Sabtu)
*Wajib Mematuhi Panduan Normal Baru*
Nikmati salah satu kemudahan dari trigana air check-in tanpa bagasi di kantor perwakilan Trigana Air Pangkalan Bun .....Selanjutnya
Sesuai dengan ketentuan pemerintah sehubungan di berlakukan PSBB, Call Center hanya beroperasi hari senin hingga jumat pukul 08.00 - 17.00 wib
Telah diterbitkan dan diedarkan Surat Edaran Ketua Pelaksana Gugus Tugas Percepatan Penanganan COVID-19 Nomor 9 Tahun 2020 tentang ..... .....Selanjutnya
Starting operations with 2 Beechcraft SUPER-KING AIR B-200C ( SKA B-200C) fixed wing aircraft in early 1991 and 2 new NBell-412SP helicopter, manufactured by IPTNi (Indonesia Aircraft Industry) Bandung, at the end of that year, TRIGANA AIR SERVICE responded quickly to the high demand for air support to the Indonesian transportation need.
Our first client in March 1991 was PT Mapindo which utilized our SKA B-200s for forestry photo mapping in all the Indonesian islands. This was the first ever high precision and the best aerial photography done in the country and the success of this project led to the addition of another 3 aircraft with the client for the same service.
Another different operation was then developed with the introduction of the NBell-412 SP helicopter on November 1991. This aircraft was operated on behalf of MAXUS Oil (Oil Exploration Company contracted by Pertamina/ The Indonesia Petrolium Company) in Pabelokan, Seribu Islands, off-shore, north of Jakarta. A further Bell 412 was added a year later. The helicopters were used for crew and logistic moving, with a very high standard of operation and maintenance.
The success of the mapping photography caused the client to acquire his own aircraft for the operation thus eliminating the requirement of our aircraft, which led our Management to seek other work for the aircraft, which resulted in the decision to operate a totally different type of aircraft and accordingly 4 F27-600 was purchased as our choice as for the replacement of the “ SKA - B200” . The F-27 was put in service based in Jakarta for passenger and cargo charter with CONOCO, the Oil Company and scheduled domestic flights (Sempati Air).
1991 - till now | Jakarta , for Medical Evacuation from any town in Indonesia of tde AEA (Asean Emergency Assistance) and SOS Medika. |
1991 - 1994 | All Indonesian islands, for forestry photography (air-survey) of PT. MAPINDO PARAMA |
1992 - 1993 | Timika, Irian Jaya, for PT. FREEPORT INDONESIA, utilize Twin-Otter DHC-6 for c carrying cargo and passenger (crew change) |
1992 - 1994 | Pabelokan Island, for MAXUS Oil company, utilize Bell-412 helicopter for carrying cargo and passenger (crew change) |
1993 | Tanah Merah , utilize Bell 412 for Conoco exploration |
1993 - till now | Irian Jaya province, for IRIAN BHAKTI, DOLOG, utilize Twin-Otter DHC-6,,Fokker F27 and Pilatus PC-6 for c carrying 9 basic logistic of 24,district / kecamatan. |
1993 - 1997 | Matak Island for Conoco Oil Company , uses Fokker F -27 and Super King Air B200 |
1994 - 1996 | Benjina Island for supporting PT. Jayanti Group |
1995 | Sabah Malaysia , for Sabah Oil Company (off shore) |
1995 - 1996 | Bengkulu , for Gold Mining of PT KETAUN MAINING |
1996 - 1998 | Joint Operation Witd Mandala Air Utilizing F-28 Aircraft |
1997 | Pagerungan of Madura Island for ARBNI of ARCO Indonesia |
1998 - 2002 | Dhaka of Bangladesh for supporting operation of Biman Airline utilizing F-28 Aircraft. |
1998 | Christmas Island / Kuala Lumpur for PT. PEGAS , utilizes F-28 for carrying cargo & passengers. |
1991 – 2000 | All otder ad hoc / charter flight |
Mid 2001-till now | Charter Flight and Scheduled Flight. |
Komplek Puri Sentra Niaga Jakarta 13620. Jl. Wiraloka Blok D 68-69-70. Kalimalang
☏ Phone : (021) 8604867 - 8604868 - 8604869 - 8604870 Fax : (021) 8604866
Terminal 1-C Soekarno Hatta Internasional Airport
Telp : +62 (021) 55915715 - 55915498
Fax : +62 (021) 55915715
Email : cgk@trigana-air.com
Jl.Pasir Panjang No.12 (Depan City Mall),Pangkalanbun
Kalimantan Tengah
Phone: (0532)27115, 27080
Fax: (0532)24541
Ticketing Sales Bandara Pangkalan Bun
Phone: (0532)6723082
Fax: (0532)24541
Email: pkn@trigana-air.com
Customer Service Bandara Ahmad Yani Semarang
Phone: (024)7617621 - 70090020
Fax: (024)76632551
Museum Rangga Warsita
Jl. Abdul Rahman Saleh No.1 Semarang
Phone: (024)7614422
Email: srg@trigana-air.com
Ticketing Sales Domestik Bandara Juanda Surabaya
Phone: (031)8688487 - 72889111
Fax: (031)8675462
Ruko Pasifik Permai Blok B.No.12B Jayapura-Papua
Phone : (0967) 535666 - 0812 4897 7072
Fax : (0967) 535099
Email: djj@trigana-air.com
Komplek Ruko Multi Jaya Jl.Kemiri No.266 Sentani
Fax: (0967)594385
email : tiketstn@trigana-air.com
Bandara Sentani
Jl. Bandara Sentani No. 2
Sentani , Jayapura 99352
Phone : (0967)592373
Fax :(0967)594644
Email: sentani@trigana-air.com
Jl. Yos Sudarso
Wamena, Jayawijaya 99511
Phone: +62 969 34590
Fax : +62 969 34590
Email: tiketing.wmx@trigana-air.com
Jl. Braza Ruko BTM
Komp. Bandara Nop Goliat Dekai
Kab. Yahukimo
Phone: +62 822 3891 9237
Email: dki@trigana-air.com
Komp. Malilabol Bandara Oksibil
Depan Kantor Koramil Oksibil
Kabupaten Pegunungan Bintang 99573
Email: oksibil@trigana-air.com
Jl. Sisingamangaraja
Nabire, Papua 98801
Phone : +62 984 21210, +62 984 21211
Email: nabire@trigana-air.com
Bandara Mozes Kilangin
Timika, Papua
Phone : +62 901 324018
Email: timika@trigana-air.com
Komp. Terminal Bandara Mopah
Jl. PGT - Spadem Merauke
Phone : +62 971 3330631
Jln Kapten Piere Tendean
Bandara Tanah Merah
Boven Digoel
Phone : +62 812 333 00 127
Jln Philip Latumahina No.28
Pardeis Tengah AMBON
Kantor : (0911)343395, 345154, 343393
Floren - NAMROLE/BURSEL : +62 822 3650 4174
Nira - KUFAR/BULA : +62 813 4301 7174
Harun - MOA/TIAKUR : +62 822 3650 4174
Budi : +62 821 9890 5535